
Here is a brief history of my culinary journey.
I took the liberty of starting from my first big sous chef role.

Pascor, London

The New Baby

Pascor started as a rebranding project and quickly developed into a love story and a partnership. Tati Rurenko, the owner, was a regular guest at the Palomar, and we had always enjoyed talking about food, wine, and hospitality very much. So, when the offer came to do a consultation for her restaurant, Pascor said it was a no brainer. What I did not expected is to fall in love with the location, the area, the restaurant itself and the massive potential to bring something new and exciting to life in that area. And so, it became a long term relationship – growing every day, Pascor had successfully relaunched as a Levantine Fire Kitchen based culinary experience, offering Levantine tapas plates, an extensive wine menu by the glass, all with a fun, intimate vibe and a funky soundtrack – un urban oasis.

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Sabbaba at Hotel Montesol, Ibiza

Creative Consultant & Executive Chef 2021–2022

My first major consultation project, I teamed up with Experimental group (ECC) to lead the
opening of their Ibiza crown jewel - The historical UNESCO site, 'Grand Hotel Montesol' together with the flag restaurant 'Sabbaba' and the rooftop bar. The delivery time was the most challenging obstacle to overcome as I only had 6.4 months to plan and execute the entire operation, and all this during the restrictions of Covid-19. The learning curve was incredible, making the necessary adjustments as we went along, this ambitious project was executed to the full satisfaction of the owners.

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Tomer Amedi Chef & Auteur.

Present Day

In 2020, I launched my concept design & consultation studio for the restaurant & hotel industry:
Tomer Amedi Chef & Auteur.

The Palomar, London

Head chef & Co founder 2013–2018

Palomar was a true roller–coaster which swept London off its feet from day one. Winning Best Restaurant Award in UK by 6 different magazines (GQ, Tatler and OFM), the Palomar has changed my life, assuring me my vision of building an exciting, successful restaurant is valid in one of the most competitive culinary capitols of the world.

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The Palomar Cookbook


During this marvelous ride I had the opportunity to make another one of my dreams come true by writing the Palomar Cookbook. The process was super intense, I would work at the
restaurant during the daytime and write every night until 6-3 am, styling & shooting between services and traveling to Israel on my days off to capture the Jerusalem market what a ride! Fortunately, the book got great reviews and sold over 100,000 copies, translated to 4 different languages.

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Head chef & GM 2011–2013

Yudale is the crazy, unhinged, underground little sister of Machneyuda, it was my first head chef role and the first time to ever create the menu, ambiance, and commend my own crazy small suicide squad team. I've had some of the best nights of my life there, and I take great pride in helping make this night life gastro–bar a staple in my hometown, Jerusalem.
As a true underground place – there was never an official website…

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Sous chef 2009–2011

The restaurant–turned–phenomenon, located in Machne Yehuda market (Hence the name!). Machneyuda was the first big restaurant opening I was involved in – it was an amazing experience to help shape this culinary institute.

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Sous Chef 2007–2008

Probably the best fish & seafood restaurant in Tel – Aviv, some will say in Israel (no
arguments on my side) and it does it with so much grace, heart and fantastic vibes.

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